Back out with Sam and the team from Half Scale Cars this week shooting their collection of Porsche 917K Junior cars. Each one pictured in a unique livery with its own special touches. For this brief it was up to us to capture all three cars in photo and video.
The photos were required to be your standard product shoot, not telling a story as such but trying to make the car look larger than life despite being half the size. Using a local go kart track, we were able to proportionally scale the car to look life size and thanks to the bends and curves the track offers, provide the images with a sense of movement.
For the promotional video things were a bit different. This was not to be just a product overview, instead we wanted theater and a sense of drama. We wanted the video to feel like a race with car to car action and real tension. To achieve this the drivers were told to race. Their goal was to always be number one. Using a tracking vehicle and a gimbal camera setup we were able to get close to the action, mere inches off their bumpers. Shooting this way provided action packed shots to draw the viewer in.
Regrettably being 2 stroke engines, they sounded like diesel lawnmowers so we chose to not include sound design as swapping the engine noise for something racier would be miss leading. For music we looked in to trying to choose the Chain by Fleetwoodmac (F1 theme) but the cost of licensing was greater than the clients budget. As an alternative we used a 90s synth pop song via Epidemic sound.
A darker feel was applied to the video to reflect technology from the era with a tri tone colour grading, high contrast and over saturation with a noise filter on top for some cinematic grain. Cine bars that drop in were also added for additional tension.
Are you looking to promote your business with video? Call Blades Media. We are Dorset’s choice for small businesses. 01202 288 087